Ashgabat – the capital of Neutral and Independent Turkmenistan considered as an administrative, cultural and business centre of the country since the declaration of Independence of the country on 27th of October in 1991.
The fate of Ashgabat is wonderful and unique. With its name, tracing back into centuries, and being wiped off the face of the earth in the middle of the XX century, this city has become an embodiment of immortality, the most everlasting soul of the Turkmen nation.
This nation has passed a historical way equal to the history of the whole human civilization. Having taken upon itself the world joy and miseries, having introduced its inexhaustible spiritual donation and constructive energy, this nation has not worn out in soul and talent, and its today revival witness thereof.
Being founded in 1881 the city was given the name of the adjacent village – Asgabat. The name of the rapidly built, buried in verdure Caspian oblast was translated as “city of love, fertility, welfare”. Hence became the custom: Ashgabat is a city of love. A sunny cosy oasis, protected by the Karakum desert in the north and by the Kopet - Dag ridge in the south, has aroused in its citizens bright and warm feelings towards their native city, and it has become a sing of Ashgabat, its essential peculiarity.
Having been newly built after the earthquake (6th of October in 1948), Ashgabat has preserved this peculiarity.
Day by day the capital of our motherland become more and more beautiful and gladdens the eye with its new appearance. Constellation of unique architectural buildings, lots of museums, exhibition halls and theatres attract the guests of our capital.
For the last years Ashgabat completely changed it’s former appearance. The present Ashgabat distinguishes itself with its own style, combining the best traditions of national architecture and the achievements of modern town-building such as “Arch of Neutrality”, “Museum and the monument for the victims of the Ashgabat earthquake in1948”, “National Museum”, “Monument and the park of Independence”, “Ice Palace”, “Cable Cars”, “Path of health”, “The fairy tale world of Turkmenbashy”, “Olympic swimming complex”, “Puppet theatre”, “Park of 10 Akhaltekin horses” and many others. 
Fresh climatic air, clean and wide streets, new parks with majestic fountains and originality of the capital keep unforgettable impressions.
For the guest services there are lots of luxury hotels with high class services and modern design of International standard satisfy every guest of the capital.  

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