
Akhal velayat is located in the center of the southern part of Turkmenistan at the border of Karakum desert.  Its climate is sharply continental with hot and dry summer. The area of Akhal is 98 000 km2 and its population is about 700 000 people. The administrative centre of this velayat is Anau city, other big towns are Abadan and Tedzhen.
Akhal velayat is an important industrial region of Turkmenistan, having such major industrials as natural gas extraction, the production of building materials and textile production – the biggest in the world factory of denim, knitted and cotton fabrics has been put into operation in Geok depe and Kaka in resent years.
The agricultural priorities are given to the cultivation of fine-fibered cotton, vegetables and stockbreeding. The tourist itineraries around the velayat are diverse and interesting. Some of them make the acquaintance with historical and architectural monuments of towns – fortresses of Khivabad and Abiverd, the ancient town of Serakhs and pilgrim routes to the sacred places of Ak Ishan, Dowgala, Zengi Baba, Kyrk-Gyz, Archman-Ata, Shekshi-Islam and Abul-Seid Meikhene. Perfect rest and medical treatment can be offered at the heart resort of Archman known since the old times for its curative properties of radon mineral waters. There is also a unique cave with the underground lake “Kow-Ata”. This cave is 250m long, 65m. deep and 50m. wide. The water of this lake is constantly warm, clean and contains 30 chemical elements of the periodic table. The south of Akhal is rich of mountain ravines, which represent wonderful place for picturesque picnic. The magic mountains in the area of Archabil and Geokdere are very good for mountaineering under a supervision of a skilful trainer. This magnificent land is the motherland of the beautiful breed of horses – Akhalteke. 

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