Development of health protection system is being speeded up nowadays. There can be no doubt that "spa pearls" of the country - Bairamaly, Archman, Mollakara with their salubrious climate have a lot of perspectives and resources for treatment of many serious illnesses.
Health resort Mollakara is located in West part of Turkmenistan 24 km away from Nebitdag on the eastern coast of ancient Uzboy, the dried river. Formerly the waters of Amu-Darya flowed into the Caspian Sea along with the ancient Uzboy river.
The health-resort is a mud-cure health center. Many legends are known about miraculous properties of repe and mud applied here. Therefore, from the immemorial native residents arrived here to undergo a mud cure from various ailments.
Nowadays Mollakara is one of the largest health-centers of the country equipped with modern medicine equipment. Patients with illnesses of motor system and nervous system, gynecological illnesses are treated here. An acupuncture treatment for man’s sterility is applied here since 1994. In Mollakara, families can find happiness to have children.
The main medical factors are sulfide mud containing silt and chlor magnesium-natrium repe of the unique Mollakara lake. A man will not drown and is always on the surface due to mineralization of its water.
The method of treatment by means of alternation mud applications and repe baths, electro-mud baths and heliotherapy, physical training and massage is successfully applied here. There are such laboratories and consulting rooms as: medical diagnostic, dental surgery, X-ray photo clinical-diagnostic. Not the least of the medical factors is high air dryness hot summer and relatively warm winter.
Walks along the lake shore and interesting excursions are the component part of leisure for patients. There is library, club and billiards halls there.
Treatment and active rest, rich impressions calm and strengthen nervous system, promote rehabilitation process of high quality. The terms of are 20 days.
Means of communication: by plane from Ashgabat or Turkmenbashy, either by train from Nebitdag. From Nebitdag airport to the sanatorium – 10 km along a good high-way road. From Nebitdag railway station to Jebel railway and further on by bus of the health-resort.
Mary region is famous not only for its historical monuments and sights, but for quite modern relic as well - a unique renal sanatorium in the town of Bairamaly. Thousands of people breathe healthy air in Bairamaly every year. Sanatorium is located in the south-east part of Turkmenistan and Bayramali is located 360 km. from Ashgabat city, 25 km. from the airport of Mary city (renal and cardiological part).
This unique sanatorium is situated on the height of 242 meters above sea level in large shady park with area 44 hectares, evergreen trees grow all around it - all these create original microclimate.
Spa location is very favorable as it's situated just in the epicenter of "wind-rose", in the oasis where Karakum desert is on the one side and Murgab river is on the other side.
July, 1929 is to be considered as official birthday of the sanatorium. That time Turkmenistan government, basing on the scientific research of professor Alexandrov V.A. who proved necessity to use southern regions of Turkmenistan for nephritis treatment, had announced Bairamaly a climatic renal sanatorium. However fame of this splendid piece of Turkmen land possessing wonderful medical characteristics such as dryness, heat and sun and that resembles Egyptian climate has been spread far beyond the borders of the country already in 19 century.
Dry, hot climate with temperature that mounts 40 degrees in the shade in summer and 30-35 degrees in spring and autumn, relative humidity from 10 to 35 per cent, high insulation and volatility from land surface, almost full absence of precipitation from June till September and their small amount in other months - all these facts have a wholesome effect on people suffering from nephritis. Sudoriferous glands activity is being intensified that leads to maximum excretion of water and salt from organism, blood pressure is being reduced, edema is being boiled over, renal and coronary blood flow is being intensified, circulation of the blood is being improved, organism resistibility is being raised.
In a word, treatment in the sanatorium makes health better, restores ability to work, delays renal decease progression. Besides the renal treatment here the treatment of people with cardiovascular and nervous system decease is very efficient which was confirmed by scientific researches of many years.
Bairamaly sanatorium works the whole year round and has possibility to receive 800 guests at the same time. Today a reconstructed former palace is encircled with medical buildings provided with up-to-day equipment, hydropathic establishment for cardiovascular patients, gym and habitable buildings with comfortable rooms. Patients in their spare time may choose any form of leisure - read in the library, play tennis, volleyball or badminton, visit performance of local theatre, go to disco or make on excursion to the monuments of ancient Merv.
Health resort Archman is located 130 km. to the west from Ashgabat city. Splendid motorway turns on the white-marble arch of central gates of present day “Archman” spa. Modern complex of medical and habitable buildings spread over shady park just in the place where life-giving spring had been found. There is all necessary for recovery here: mineral water gallery, building for bath taking, shady walking routes…
The main remedy of the spa is hydrogen sulphide mineral water. This water has permanent temperature of 28,5 degrees and is being raised from the depth of more than 1200 meters. It cures alimentary canal, diathesis, skin, anchylosis and neuralgic diseases, it also makes metabolism better so helpsto get rid of many illnesses.
Highly skilled medical personnel is provided with up-to-day diagnostic and treatment equipment. Specialists will define more exact diagnosis and prescribe optimum course of treatment. Light and spacious rooms combine home and high class hotel comfort. Dinning rooms of the spa can offer a wide assortment of dietary cookery prepared from fresh products of the farm attached to a sanatorium.